After wandering the little streets of Varenna we headed back to the boat station to wait for the next ferry to Bellagio. I loved the colours of these people's outfits; yellow, pink and turquoise from head to toe respectively.
Not quite the famous Titanic pose, but Ian at the front end of the boat.
I'm not entirely sure what this selfie was all about.
But then her friends joined in too and were happy for me to photograph them.
Bellagio sits just around this headland.
We've watched the "rope thrower" on several occasions, but this guy was hopeless; he missed practically every time.
We'd heard from several people that there were lots of shops here but I think we were just too tired to walk around much and certainly have no interest in Italian designer goods.
We have no idea who this is or how come he has such a prominent image in the church (he looks like he should be in The Sound of Music).
This Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper) is far more advanced in its autumn colour than at home.
Feeling rather foot sore we decided to get the next boat back across the lake, this one was the "slow boat" also stopping at San Giovanni and Villa Carlotta.
This church is situated way up in the hills behind Tremezzo.
Actually the mountains are quite strange to look at; it almost looks like a covering of snow on them or a layer of wool.
Approaching the boat stop at San Giovanni, not much there apart from a couple of attractive villas and the church.
The bell towers in this region are all the same, with the workings clearly visible. There are two churches near our apartment and both have bells which ring on the hour and on the half hour - all day and all night!!!! One of them also does an extra few notes to denote the half hour and at 0700 rings 25 times.