Thursday, 30 September 2021

Lake Como - Day 2 AM (Villa Monastero)

Our first call was to the Villa Monastero which, as you can gather from the name, was once a monastery although it would appear none of the original 12th century structure still exists.  Having had numerous owners through the years, it was donated to the public in 1940s and is now a museum and exhibition centre.  This was the entrance/ticket office.

And the view from it.

The gardens are laid out in classic Italianate style

I loved the perfect placement of the rose.

There was another photographer capturing the gardens and he moved away to let me take a shot then realised he'd left his glasses in the way - actually that was the shot I wanted!

Then after having our temperatures checked and showing our Covid-19 vaccination certificates we went into the villa, but there wasn't a great deal to photograph and the shutters were closed to stop the sunlight ruining the artworks.

I asked one of the room stewards if she could open the piano lid as it would have looked so much better - but No.

A room with a view

The bath was absolutely amazing.

But I don’t think I could live with a non-matching suite!

This tiled stairwell was gorgeous. 

Detail of the girls bathing section.

There weren't many visitors and for some reason a young staff member began to overtly follow us around - it made me feel like we were in a Chinese tat shop in Fuerteventura.  I asked her why and said that we were not proposing to steal anything and that she was spoiling our enjoyment of the property and she did back off.